Transforming the World is a course for instructional leaders as they consider their roles as Christian educators. We will consider our context as Christians as we are called to be transformers of society and culture by seeking justice and righteousness for those who are marginalized and disenfranchised. In this course we will consider constructivism, a dominant educational theory in the twenty-first century that informs student-centred pedagogies such as Project Based Learning, through the lens of Scripture and investigate the assumptions that it makes. We will explore our calling as Christian educators to transform culture in our schools, local community, and the world.
This course seeks to help Christian educators find clarity in answers to the following questions:
Context: Who am I called to be as a Christian educator in my particular place and time?
Constructivism: How does constructivism inform my practice?
Culture: What role does education play in creating culture?
This version of the course will consist of:
1. Reading To Know as We Are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey and 5 articles as specified in the Google classroom prior to August 3;
2. Participation in five 3-hour Zoom sessions during August 9-13;
3. Assigned reading and online discussions throughout the month of August; and
4. A project that demonstrates ones learning from the course.
Dr. Edith van der Boom
ICS 260006 S21
Remote (Online Synchronous)
Intensive, August 9 - 13, 2021