10 November 2022
Art, Religion, and Theology (ART)
Finding Joy in Learning
- What is my calling as an educator?
- How should I intentionally live out my calling to teach?
Lead From Where You Are: Making a Difference in the Face of Tough Problems, Big Questions, and Organizational Politics
State, Society, and Religion in Hegel’s Philosophy
The Soul of Soulless Conditions: Marxists on Christianity, Christians on Marxism
18 October 2022
Faith, Freedom, and the Meaning of Politics: Liberalism and Its Discontents (IDS)
Finding Joy in Learning
- What is my calling as an educator?
- How should I intentionally live out my calling to teach?
How to Coach A Strong Team: Leading People, Building Institutional Capacity, and Securing Accountability
Nothing Can Separate Us…!: The Dialectical Materialism of Slavoj Žižek
Religion, Life and Society: Reformational Philosophy
Spiritual Exercise as Christian Philosophy from Augustine to Bonaventure
Dr. Bob Sweetman
ICS 120402 / 220402 W23
ICH5017HS L0101*
Remote (Online Synchronous)
Thursdays, 6pm - 9pm ET
(MWS, MA, PhD)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register January 13, 2023. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Attention TST students: if you are interested in taking this course for credit, you must petition your college of registration to count the course credit toward your degree program.
Deeper Learning: From Wonder to Inquiry to Practice
9 May 2022
Biblical Foundations: Narrative, Wisdom, and the Art of Interpretation
ICS 1108AC / 2108AC F22
ICB2010HF L0101*
Remote (Online Synchronous)
Tuesdays, 4:15pm - 7:15pm ET
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register September 16, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Attention TST students: you have to contact the ICS Registrar to complete your registration.
**NOTE: Approved for Area 1 of the CSTC
Grace as an Aesthetic Concept
Remote (Online Synchronous)
Thursdays, 10:00am - 1:00pm ET
(MWS, MA, PhD)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register September 16, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Attention TST students: you have to contact the ICS Registrar to complete your registration.
Imagining the World with Ricoeur: Narrative, Action, and the Sacred in Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Phenomenology
ICS 120504 / 220504 F22
Remote (Online Synchronous)
Wednesdays, 10:00am - 1:00pm ET
(MWS, MA, PhD)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register September 16, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Attention TST students: you have to contact the ICS Registrar to complete your registration.
Meaning/Being/Knowing: The Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Implications of a Christian Ontology
The Craft of Reflective Practice
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register September 16, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Approved for Area 2 of the CSTC
Transformative Teaching: The Role of a Christian Educator
Transformative Teaching is a course for instructional leaders as they consider their roles as Christian educators called to be transformers of society and culture by seeking justice for those who are marginalized and disenfranchised. In this course we will consider constructivism (a dominant educational theory in the twenty-first century that informs student-centred pedagogies such as Project Based Learning) through the lens of Scripture and investigate the assumptions that it makes. We will explore our calling as Christian educators to transform culture in our schools, local community, and the world.
This course seeks to help Christian educators find clarity in answers to the following questions:
Context: Who am I called to be as a Christian educator in my particular place and time?
Constructivism: How does constructivism inform my practice?
Culture: What role does education play in creating culture?
1 February 2022
Biblical Foundations
ICSD 1108AC/2108AC S22*
Blended (Online Asynchronous/Synchronous)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register April 19, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Approved for Area 1 of the CSTC
Cultivating Learning Communities of Grace
Cultivating Learning Communities of Grace is a course for instructional leaders and school administrators in the consideration of both school and classroom cultures. Course content will include attention to social and cultural contexts, racial justice, indigenous perspectives, human sexuality, and restorative practices and how these topics impact and form school and classroom cultures.
This course seeks to help students find clarity in answers to the following questions:
What is the relationship between the daily behaviour of educational leaders and the cultures of schools?
How do we awaken our students’ knowledge, creativity, and critical reflective capacities in our schools and classrooms?
How do racism and other forms of oppression underlie achievement gaps and alienation within our schools?
How can classroom learning be linked to larger movements seeking to effect change in the community?
How can school culture be a vehicle for social change?
How do we cultivate learning communities of grace in our schools?
Course Format
This course is an online course consisting of six synchronous discussions and ten weeks of asynchronous online interaction. Specifically, participants will:
Write weekly reflective responses to the assigned readings (April 25 - June 30)
Participate in ten weekly forum discussions (April 25 - June 30)
Participate in six 3-hour online, interactive Zoom sessions (starting late in April and concluding in an intensive series of sessions on three consecutive days early in August)
Zoom 1: Thursday, April 28
Zoom 2: Thursday, May 19
Zoom 3: Thursday, June 16
Zoom 4: Tuesday, Aug. 9
Zoom 5: Wednesday, Aug. 10
Zoom 6: Thursday, Aug. 11
Complete a project that applies their understanding of Cultivating Learning Communities of Grace (Final draft due September 2);
Provide feedback on the projects of other course participants;
Share their project with an authentic audience; and
Post their project in an e-portfolio.
ICSD 260008 S22*
Blended (Online Asynchronous/Synchronous)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register April 19, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Approved for Area 2 or 3 of the CSTC
Lead From Where You Are: Making a Difference in the Face of Tough Problems, Big Questions, and Organizational Politics
Leadership is not about personality, authority, position, influence, or power as such. Leadership is an art, a craft, a practice, to which everyone is called sometime or other, in widely different situations. Leadership can be practiced with varying degrees of authority, from any position, at varying scales of influence, and with varying access to different sources of power. Leadership is the work of motivating a group of people to act in certain ways as they shape what they share.
In this course we will explore two kinds of leadership, positional leadership and contributory leadership, and two kinds of leadership practices, algorithmic leadership practices and heuristic leadership practices. Positional leadership is the kind of leadership that comes with a particular, recognized position in a group, and contributory leadership is the kind of leadership that you can contribute regardless of your position in a group. Algorithmic leadership practices are those leadership practices for which there are clear, commonly agreed-upon procedures and goals, and heuristic leadership practices are those leadership practices for which there are not (or not yet) clear, commonly agreed-upon procedures and goals and that demand imaginative discernment. We will attend to leadership with regard to both making beneficial change happen and ensuring needed maintenance.
Participants in the course will read from a carefully curated selection of texts on the practice of leadership, will engage one another in asynchronous online forum discussions about their own leadership experiences in relation to these readings, will meet in a series of six synchronous online video sessions (starting late in April and concluding in an intensive series of sessions on three consecutive days early in August), and will draft and workshop two papers on topics selected from a set of options but all oriented towards the leadership practice and professional development of the participants. Participants are encouraged to take a complete break from coursework during the month of July. The course will conclude with each participant organizing and reflecting on a celebration of learning done in the company of their own confidantes.
ICSD 132504/260003 S22*
Blended (Online Asynchronous/Synchronous)
Enrolment Notes:
To register for this course, email academic-registrar@icscanada.edu. Last date to register April 19, 2022. Maximum enrolment of nine (9) students. ICS reserves the right to decline registrations.
*Approved for Area 2 or 4 of the CSTC
The Visible, the Invisible, and the Revealed: Phenomenology and Christianity
ICS 153302 / 253302 S22